Thanks For Joining! Let's Get You Going
You are going to love the Private Fairway experience! Being a member is like having your very own golf simulator in your home. In fact, it's better because you don't have to clean up before you invite your buddies over. So in order to ensure you have the best experience there are just a few simple things we need to do to get you on your way!
24-Hour Indoor Golf at Three Utah Locations.
Choose your Private Fairway!
24-Hour Indoor Golf at Three Utah Locations.
Choose your Private Fairway!
Step 2: Get the Apps
Spaces By Wix
Book Your Time and Stay-up-to-date with Spaces. With the Spaces app on your phone you will be able to book and cancel times, master the TrackMan system with videos, troubleshoot issue and communicate with our staff. Spaces is available for both iPhone and Android systems.
Once you download Spaces join with the same account you created at check out. If you are asked for an invite code, the code for our Sandy location is SJPF05.
Download the apps using in the QR code or links here.

iOS App Store
Google Play Store
Create a Trackman Account and Get the TrackMan Golf App
You can create a free TrackMan account at This will allow you to upload and save your practice sessions to the cloud.
There is a very cool TrackMan Golf App for both Android and iOS mobile devices. The TrackMan Golf app will help you improve your game by uploading your practice sessions and virtual golf rounds to your phone so you can review distances, club choices and more than 26 data points for each swing. You can also preview the 250+ course available and set up rounds before coming to the studio.
Download the apps using in the QR code or links here.

iOS App Store
Google Play Store
Step 3: Review the Booking Policy & Schedule Some Times
Booking Policy - Holding Only Three Hours at a Time
Our Booking Policy allows each member to hold up to THREE (3) 50 -minute sessions at a time. You can then book more sessions as you use them or cancel them. This policy ensures equal access to all members.
For example: If you are holding an hour on Monday and two hours back-to-back on Thursday you have used your 3 sessions. When you come in on Monday you have freed up that slot and can now book another session anytime you like. Then when you come Thursday you have freed up the next 2 slots.
Our booking system will NOT prevent you from booking more than 3 sessions so everyone is on their honor to follow the policy. If you book more than three times I will automatically delete any additional bookings starting with the furthest out. You will receive an email notifying you of cancelled times.
Hold More Time with a Membership Upgrades
If you would like to hold more than three sessions we offer membership upgrades. These upgrades are a monthly add-on to your membership and can be added or cancelled. The upgrade levels are: $80 per month to hold 1 additional time (4 total), $150 per month to hold 2 additional times (5 total), $200 per month to hold 3 additional times (6 total). Upgrades will be factored into the overall membership. For example, a member that upgrades with 3 more sessions will count as 2 members.
If you would like to add an upgrade you can purchase them here:
Schedule Your Times
Once you have the Spaces App installed on your phone you should be able to book times. Just be sure not to book any sessions before your orientation since you won't have a key to get in.
Cancel Unused Times
You can cancel times by clicking on the Profile Icon in the app and going to the My Agenda session. Please do your best to cancel unused times so other members can use the studio. You can cancel up to 30 minutes before. You havre trouble canceling please message me and I will help you.
Thanks For Joining! Let's Get You Going
You are going to love the Private Fairway experience! Being a member is like having your very own golf simulator in your home. In fact, it's better because you don't have to clean up before you invite your buddies over. So in order to ensure you have the best experience there are just a few simple things we need to do to get you on your way!
Step 2: Get the Apps
Spaces By Wix
Book Your Time and Stay-up-to-date with Spaces. With the Spaces app on your phone you will be able to book and cancel times, master the TrackMan system with videos, troubleshoot issue and communicate with our staff. Spaces is available for both iPhone and Android systems.
Once you download Spaces join with the same account you created at check out. If you are asked for an invite code, the code for our Sandy location is SJPF05.
Download the apps using in the QR code or links here.

iOS App Store
Google Play Store
Create a Trackman Account and Get the TrackMan Golf App
You can create a free TrackMan account at This will allow you to upload and save your practice sessions to the cloud.
There is a very cool TrackMan Golf App for both Android and iOS mobile devices. The TrackMan Golf app will help you improve your game by uploading your practice sessions and virtual golf rounds to your phone so you can review distances, club choices and more than 26 data points for each swing. You can also preview the 250+ course available and set up rounds before coming to the studio.
Download the apps using in the QR code or links here.

iOS App Store
Google Play Store
Membership Upgrades
If you just can't get enough Private Fairway in your life you can upgrade your membership and hold more than the 3 sessions allowed for standard memberships. This upgrades will be an additional monthly charge and can be cancelled at any time.